Family Guy Tycoon has arguably a cooler menu screen than the actual game itself, but besides that the game is build a little tycoon and build the family guy house with your Pawtucket Brew. Spoiler alert there is no house, or well house items yet. There are pads you can touch with the correct amount of money to buy things for the house but there is very little and they are not labeled. Back to the tycoon, once you touch the buy conveyor button, Herbert spawns. Herbert isn't too much of a problem as he's slow and most likely will never touch you because he gets stuck on small ledges but DO NOT TOUCH HIM, HE WILL KILL THE GAME. That is intentional, but no the "restart" button. Press Esc (Escape) to go back to the main menu and do whatever. Two special buttons, "Stewie" and "Brian", do different things. Stewie duplicates Stewie,  and Brian starts a little cutscene. DISCLAIMER!!!!!! THERE IS STILL AN IMAGE OF NINJA CALLING KEEMSTAR SOMETHING NOT OK AND I FORGOT ABOUT IT SO NOW ITS THERE, IF NEEDED TO BE TAKEN DOWN I CAN BUT BUILDING THIS GAME TOOK ME ALL NIGHT.


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(2 edits)

yo forgot this but put it in fullscreen, and pressing quit would technically close it but since its a WebGL I don't think it can do that so it just crashes.